1:1 Private Coaching

For those ready to go real deep real fast.

If you’re ready to transform your life and your relationship to yourself in a once-and-for-all way, and you want to do the deepest possible work in the shortest amount of time, my signature 1:1 private coaching offering “XPRESS” is for you.

XPRESS combines an embodied approach to transformation with executive coaching and mindfulness modalities to help you create a powerful life of thriving as the you-est version of you.

Learn more about my coaching certifications and style here.

XPRESS is designed to help you discover your most authentic self, take back your power and become the woman you were born to be.

How? Through liberating you from the conditioning that has been keeping you small and stuck in people-pleasing, perfectionism and performing all your life.

You can’t be fully liberated until you are liberated on the levels of mind, body and soul, so our coaching work will focus on all three:


  • MIND

    To liberate your mind, we will identify the core beliefs controlling your life and use proven techniques to rewire your neural pathways so that your brain learns you can be who you want and have what you want AND still be safe, loved, and successful. We will also grow your confidence through weekly challenges that expand your comfort zone.

    For those women interested in becoming more impactful leaders, we will also employ executive coaching principles to develop highly practical and advanced leadership, direct communication, influence, and relationship-building skills.

  • BODY

    To liberate your body, we will engage somatic processes, including gentle trauma release, to digest stuck energy, emotions, and experiences in your body. We will also cultivate your raw life force energy and expand your capacity for pleasure from the inside out.

    For those women interested in exploring the healing and transformational power of their sexual energy specifically, we can also leverage Neo Tantra self-intimacy practices including “sex magic,” yoni de-armoring, and Taoist jade egg work.

  • SOUL

    To liberate your soul, our work will strengthen your self-trust and intuition as we explore the big questions of who you really are and what you really want (underneath everything you’ve been told about who you are and what you SHOULD want). We will focus on activating your soul purpose and manifesting your most authentic desires.

    For those women interested and ready to go beyond the ego identity, our work can be adjusted to focus on full spiritual awakening and liberation.

Coaching philosophy

You don’t have to go far for advice. Everyone out there -- your partner, your closest friend, your boss, your mom -- has an opinion about what’s best for you. 

If you ask (and even if you don’t), someone will always tell you how you can do more and be better. And that’s doubly true of yourself, because over the years you’ve internalized the voices and stories of countless people about how you should be and what you should do. 

Thankfully, I’m not here to be another person telling you what to do, because that’s the last thing you need. (And that’s harmful, in my opinion.) 

Neither am I here to fix you, because no matter what you’ve been told or tell yourself, you were never broken. You are already perfect, whole, and complete.

I am simply here to hold up a mirror so you can see who you really are and who you’re not; what you really want and what’s in the way; where you’re acting from conditioning and what it would look like to be absolutely true to yourself. And then I guide you through processes to help you shed the conditioning that no longer serves you as you upgrade to a more powerful, authentic way of living.

And I don’t hope to give you my authenticity/power/joy, but help you connect with your own.

That’s my coaching philosophy, and that’s what you can count on me for.

Are you ready to get free?

I only work with women who are soulmate fits and are committed to doing the work required for true transformation. You can be afraid, but you must be willing and open to get uncomfortable anyway, challenge your old beliefs, and try on new ways of being.

Working with me is a life-changing experience and it’s founded in relationship, intimacy, courage, and trust. So if you’re serious about changing your life, let’s have an unfiltered conversation!

Click the button below to schedule a complimentary 45-minute clarity call to create clarity around your desires, what is really holding you back and what your personal liberation journey might entail.


  • Clients will receive:

    -3 private deep coaching sessions each month for 6 months (with the option to continue in an ongoing fashion if desired). Sessions take place over Zoom by default. If you live in the SF Bay Area, you are welcome to come to my home for the occasional in-person session

    -Access to me via text, voice message and email between calls for support, reflection, updates and celebrations

    -Weekly practices/assignments to support maximum integration

    -An optional VIP day/weekend retreat together for a super deep-dive

    The investment is significant, and so are the results. Schedule a clarity call for more specifics and pricing.

  • 99% of my clients are also in therapy and report finding the two approaches to be highly complementary. Here are a few differences:

    -Therapy is mostly backward looking while coaching is forward looking.

    -In coaching we don’t dwell much on the past or why you are a certain way. We focus on where you want to be and getting you there.

    -Therapy doesn't force you to make practical changes in your life while coaching does.

    -Many clients report more rapid results with our work. As one of my clients put it, “I think coaching is more results-oriented, and tangible results at that. It’s more efficient.”

    Also, I am not a licensed therapist, but my approach is trauma-informed and healing is often a happy by-product that clients report, especially from the somatic work we do.

  • Willingness to take responsibility for your own fulfillment (which means not waiting for everything/everyone else to change before you change). Humility. Courage. A strong desire to be deeply happy and free.